3.5 /5

Truffle Pinsa

Level of difficulty: easy
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 5 min


  • Pinsami Pinsa
  • Mozzarella with truffle cream
  • Button mushrooms
  • Salt
  • extra vergin olive oil
  • Ricotta
  • Truffle cream
  • Chives


Truffles: one of the most gourmet ingredients in the world, prized in cuisines of many countries, this premium ingredient is both loved and disliked, but we all agree that its unique flavour is known all around the world. What happens when this “controversial” element meets the crunchy Pinsami Pinsa? You’re about to find out with this recipe!


First of all, make the truffled mozzarella cheese:

Break or julienne-cut 90/100g of mozzarella cheese, put it in a bowl and mix it with a tablespoon of a good quality truffle cream.


Spread the truffled mozzarella on the Pinsami Pinsa, add thin-sliced champignons, a pinch of salt and olive oil before baking it for 5 minutes at 250 C°.


Once baked, garnish Pinsa with ricotta, a little bit of truffle cream, chives and a drizzle of olive oil.


Your truffle Pinsa is ready to be served!

3.5 /5
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